Wednesday, 26 August 2015

From The Vaults

Yeah, no posts in forever 'cos who can face what little Hawks news there is.
Kruger is still unsigned and Kane is still, well, Kane.
I guess the only thing I can add is that I'm very curious to see what occurs with the whole Mike Richards thing; if the appeal that the NHLPA launched to counter The Kings' quest to stop paying him due to (something like) "material breach of contract" when he was pinched attempting to cross the US/CAN border with restricted painkillers succeeds, I see little reason for The Hawks to not try a similar manoeuvre IF Kane is convicted for rape or similar.  This is not to say that I hope Kane is found guilty of anything...just thinking ahead is all.

Anyway, here's a little something to pass the time and remind ourselves that, as bad as things are for Hawks fans right now, at least we're not implicated with this idiot.

This was taken almost 30 years ago, shortly after Ozzie was pinched for wazzing on a war memorial. Let's be real, though; if I was Po-po, and I saw this dude walking around in that sweater, I'd arrest him right away and find out what he did later.  He actually kinda looks like Steve Ott in a wig which, come to think of it, are two reasons to arrest his ass.

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