Wednesday, 1 March 2017

What's Old Is Old Again (or Just Still Old?)

                                     NEWS! NEWS!  NEWS!

Proving once again that even a broken clock is correct twice each day, The Hawks buckled under the pressure of my mighty mind and reacquired Johnny Oduya from Dallas.  Two contingencies are addressed with this deal, the first being a potential reunification of The Swedish Brothers From Different Mothers, Oduya and Hjalmarsson.  This would scramble the defensive pairings slightly but totally in a good way, as it could well result in Keith & Seabrook being partnered up again. Hopefully The Swedes can be deployed against the opposition's top units and relieve some pressure from Keith, especially.  
The second is that, with Hjalmarsson being moved to the disabled list today, The Hawks at least have a steady hand to fill in, if need be.
I suppose the third pairing will be Campbell & TVR, at least until the latter makes a mess of things.  I realize that Oduya is another two years along since he last sported the Indian Head and has struggled with injuries this season, but he knows what the drill is in Chicago and can hopefully recapture the chemistry he and Hjalmarsson enjoyed in the past.  Great depth move.

And then there's Maude.
The Hawks also took a moment to re-up Rozsival and Tootoo to minimum-wage one year deals.  It was explained to me that this is almost certainly to ensure compliance for the upcoming expansion draft, as each team needs to have a certain number of players exposed for said draft.  Regular readers may recall that I have no use whatsoever for Tootoo but I've always kinda liked Rozsie.  That said, he's been 38 for the last 10 years...when is this going to end?

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