Saturday 4 January 2014

Jury's Top Ten Records of 2013: #1

Here it is, my favourite record from 2013...

#1: Clutch - Earth Rocker
For me, a new Clutch album dropping is like a trip to an all-you-can-eat sushi place or a solar eclipse; it's an event.  Earth Rocker is, as expected, just such an event and a near-perfect rock albumThe jams, the sarcastic, sometimes chummy lyrics and Tim Sult's sublime riffs are all here, and Neil Fallon remains rock's most captivating, fully committed front man.  How is it possible for bass, drums, guitar and vocals to ALL be so punchy and up front…neither dominating nor slipping into the background?  As far as I'm concerned Clutch can do no wrong.

Not quite there:

The Phantom Carriage – Falls:  Generic.  There a few interesting musical things going on here but they’re completely wasted alongside weak, bleating vocals and dull song structure.

When Whales Collide – By Default:  More well played post-rock ruined by wimpy, whiny vocals.  I was encouraged by the crisp, dynamic beginning of the first track We’re Lost Here, but was scrambling for the delete key after the vocals came in.  Pity.


1 comment:

  1. No question, best of 2013. Possibly the best of Clutch (though 'oldschool' fans probably disagree wholeheartedly)
